WRAG Radio Raggedy

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Seal — "It's a Man's World"

Okay. I know some of you will scoff at me for posting about Seal. But believe me, yours old Raggedy feels the soul in a song and even more so in a voice as soon as she hears them.

Yesterday, hubby and I went on a shopping trip, and I actually found a pair of blue shoes I had been looking for for a long time. (They match my new striped blouse, my white jeans and the other pants ... you know how it works.)

While I was trying on pair after pair of  “naw-naw” shoes, a song came up that made me listen. It stood out from the regular sound affusion the stores expose you to. The voice touched that spot inside me that I call my soul. I could tell it was  not one of the “old” songs that usually perk up my ears, but it was full of soul.

So, I thought that lady next to me, who was considerably younger than me, might know that song. I asked her, and within a few seconds she had looked it up on her phone. She told me the singer was Seal. Unfortunately, I didn’t ask her for the title of the song. Doh!

Back at home (with my blue shoes on to break them in), I began looking for that song. Of course, I couldn’t find it. On the other hand, I found some excellent covers of some favorite soul songs of mine.

Btw., the new blue shoes turned out to perfectly match an old blue purse I was about to throw out ... Can you tell your old Raggedy is happy today?

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