Lee Charles released a few records in the late 60's early 70's without ever really achieving the success he deserved. He tried his luck on various labels such as Dakar, Brunswick, Eugene Records, Holland, Dozier, and Holland -- to no avail. What a shame!
I really like his voice.
"Standing on the Outside" was released in 1968 on the Dakar label and is a great piece in my opinion. But sometimes fate just does not want you to succeed.
When I first heard this one, I thought the singer sounded like Arthur Conley. At least a bit ... Unfortunately, there is not much info available about Floyd Henley. My go-to sources in such cases, Sir Shambling's and Discogs, didn't have much to offer.
I think it's interesting, though, that this title has been produced by Gamble and Huff and, as stated on Sir Shambling's, has to be considered a species of the Philly Sound, although it sounds a lot like a Deepie. I do agree wholeheartedly with that claim. Just listen to the instruments. Anyway, whatever category one may put this song in, it is another underappreciated artist's gift to us.
Today was one of those grey and gloomy Texan winter days, so I thought it was a good idea to at least leave the house for a few hours. Go shopping or so... However, that turned out to be even more depressing than the weather.
I try hard to adapt to new styles, but something's wrong with fashion ...
Back in the car, I told myself I Should have stayed home listening to some sunshiny, heart warming tunes. The song that played first, though, wasn't really uplifting -- but one of my favorites anyway. J. T's "A Fool Like Me" is more suited for an afternoon of introspection than putting some pep back in your step.
Alas, it still put me in a better mood than what I had seen in the store.
And just when I had finished that thought, Al Green's "Sha La La" came up on my playlist. This is the music that makes the grey skies go away and even makes a stop and go ride home feel great.
I am wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year!
Christmas for me starts with the Temptations’ rendition of “Silent Night.” Whenever I play that song, Christmas season has started at my house. And this year, I discovered another favorite Christmas carol, also sung by the Temptations, which I will post today.
I will always love Mahalia Jackson’s version best. No question about it. But Glenn Leonard’s falsetto on “O Holy Night” is simply spectacular, in my opinion.
So, let’s all enjoy one of the greatest vocal groups ever — The Temptations with “O Holy Night.”